Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Watermelon, watermelon...oh, hell

It started with a thought. Chocolate. No, had that yesterday. Summer blackberry cobbler ice cream (for real!). No, a praline. No, a candy bar. Wait, I don't even have a candy bar.

WAIT! I am not going to eat any of that crap. Nope, not gonna do it. Watermelon. I'm going to have sweet, icy cold, melt-in-your-mouth watermelon. It's right there in the fridge, so perfectly yellow with those cute little back seeds. (Aren't you almost tasting it? No? Try harder!)

Let's look back on the day. Fiber for breakfast, grilled fish for lunch, a workout (cardio and weights--impressive)... Why would I screw that up now? Well, I have someone to blame. It was Bob...again. Oh, you don't know Bob? He's my sweet tooth who is anything but. Trouble since day one.

Bob: Watermelon. Just water pretty much. Ice cream? That's sweet cream, sugar, milk blended into a heavenly friendship for your mouth.

Me: Shut up, Bob. Do you want me back in 12s or what?

Bob: A size 12? It don't matter, baby. You'll be happy in caramel and crisp bliss.

Me: Not happy in a dressing room looking at a muffin top--and I don't mean the tasty breakfast treat either.

Bob: Are you worried about a man? He will love you no matter what. You have a great personality.

Me: Oh, hell no. We are not playing this game. You've got to go. If I have to stuff myself silly with five cups of carrots, I will!

Bob: Please... 7 hours left in the day? You know I'm going to get my way and get my ice cream. I rule.

*sigh* And so he does. The watermelon was great, by the way. And so was the praline.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Ewww... Is that Dust?

As I ran my finger across the edge of those very old and funky shades, I told myself, "Oh. This was a mistake. Ewww... Is that dust?" Upon inspection of my finger, I was no more sure than when I was simply examining the shades with my eyes and not a filange.

But, dust and grime aside, a filthy and old classroom is still one big deal. It is a CLASSROOM. And for all of us newbie teachers, classroom=teaching job. Who am I to whine over nasty shades, some of which pull down, some of which are permanently stuck in awkward positions. They are my shades now! (Which means... out to the trash they need to go! Once I get some gloves on, that is...)

My new classroom. Complete with some shelving that seems to only fit in one very inconvenient location, 5 tables, 2 teachers desks (that I don't like), some Macs (who uses these???), and a nice stack of hand-me-down games and manipulatives. Sweet. Oh, and that stack of TAKS prep books. Sigh. What am I to do with these damned things? Out with shades? Phooey. How could I ever be so silly to think I could teach 5th grade without those terrible TAKS workbooks? But that is a whole 'nuther issue, folks. Let's not go there today.

So back to this room. It is roomy. It is...dirty. Oh, wait, already said that. Where to begin... Rugs? A loveseat? (hey, not for me, for the students to read on, duh) I have theme but have no idea exactly what to teach. I'll figure it out one way or another. But first, let's get the important things out of the way. Gloves on. Up the ladder. Off with the shades!

my first time

Oh, you had better not be thinking dirty. I won't be telling you about my first time--not that first time anyway, as unmemorable as it was. Enough of that. I'm talking about my first time at blogging.

So I've given it some serious thought, and after reading some great blogs by other great (and HILARIOUS) teachers...well, I realized that I had no reason not join in! So here I am with this nifty layout and nothing to say.

Well, I'll get the general "tell me about yourself" stuff out of the way. I'm a Texan. Yee-haw. I just graduated college and am 31. Yeah, that pretty much tells you I screwed off my first several years of adulthood. We all make mistakes, right? I am a mother of 2, going through a not-so-fun divorce (sigh), and am looking forward to my first year of teaching.

Now moving on, quickly! The point of my blog is this: everyone who teaches knows it is rewarding and exciting (ok, except for TAKS), but it is also stressful and just plain crazy on a day-to-day basis. I'm not afraid to admit the dirty truth about teaching and share the joys too. So here I am, ready to blog!

And now you know!