Sunday, June 22, 2008

my first time

Oh, you had better not be thinking dirty. I won't be telling you about my first time--not that first time anyway, as unmemorable as it was. Enough of that. I'm talking about my first time at blogging.

So I've given it some serious thought, and after reading some great blogs by other great (and HILARIOUS) teachers...well, I realized that I had no reason not join in! So here I am with this nifty layout and nothing to say.

Well, I'll get the general "tell me about yourself" stuff out of the way. I'm a Texan. Yee-haw. I just graduated college and am 31. Yeah, that pretty much tells you I screwed off my first several years of adulthood. We all make mistakes, right? I am a mother of 2, going through a not-so-fun divorce (sigh), and am looking forward to my first year of teaching.

Now moving on, quickly! The point of my blog is this: everyone who teaches knows it is rewarding and exciting (ok, except for TAKS), but it is also stressful and just plain crazy on a day-to-day basis. I'm not afraid to admit the dirty truth about teaching and share the joys too. So here I am, ready to blog!

And now you know!

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